Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pornography: Young Minds At Risk

In this hyper real world, people want everything glorified. Sex is no exception, and that is where pornography enters with a bang. In today’s time, pornography is the biggest market on internet.
Pornography has its various effects on people. The most vulnerable group is children.
The growing numbers of viewers of porn come from the age group 10-16. Now this is something to worry about. Porn addiction has reached at the level of cocaine addiction. People are suffering from it. Porn is a reflection of superficiality in our minds, in our lives, in our body concepts. But sometimes we forget that and try to reenact the same thing with real humans and we get different reaction from the thing which we have seen in porn movies. That’s what leads to incapability to form relationships in real life. There has been an argument that pornography is an art, difficult to practice.

But the negative impact of it on the young minds are inevitable. According to one survey in Europe, porn on mobile phones has a market of $540 million. That shows how easy it is in the reach of young ones. But however one tries to forbid it, it becomes more attractive. Another survey says that 75% of children of age group 11-14 have already seen porn.
The problem is pornography has made women as a sex object. People can get any type of sex, sex with mud or blood, with pregnant women, mid-aged, and incest. Anything. And when young ones encounter with it they learn from it, they can’t distinguish the reality. Porn becomes sex education. But then pornography is not made to educate in proper way, its made to sell!
If children get sex education properly, they are not likely to have problems in not getting addicted to porn. The basic art of sex is needed to be learnt properly.
One more important thing is freedom of expression. We have to remember the Great Marquis de Sade, who became martyr of freedom of expression. Here what does a queer say about it? It says if you like it this way, you can have it this way. We cant deny it. But there should be a bottom line. Because porn was a need then it became consumption. And now this consumption has become need. Industry wants more consumers. So they want to reach to every human, From age group 8 to 80.